WSE: Resolution No. 881/2013 - APS ENERGIA S.A.

09.08. Warszawa (PAP/GPW) - Resolution No. 881/2013 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board dated 7 August 2013 concerning setting the first trading day for series A, B and D...

09.08. Warszawa (PAP/GPW)
- Resolution No. 881/2013 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board dated 7 August 2013 concerning setting the first trading day for series A, B and D bearer ordinary shares of the company APS ENERGIA S.A. in the alternative trading system on the NewConnect market

§ 1 Pursuant to § 7(1) and (5) of the Alternative Trading System Rules and § 2(1) Appendix 2 to the Alternative Trading System Rules, the WSE Management Board resolves as follows: 1) to determine 8 August 2013 as the first trading date in the alternative trading system on the NewConnect market of the following series bearer ordinary shares of the company APS ENERGIA S.A. a par value PLN 0,20 each, coded by the National Depository for Securities as "PLAPSEN00011": a) 19,608,000 series A, b) 4,902,000 series B, c) 1,400,000 series D; 2) to list the shares mentioned in point 1) in the continuous trading system under the abbreviated name of "APSENERGY" and the code "APE". § 2 This Resolution shall come into force on the date of adoption.

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