IBM to open an Integrated Delivery Center in Wrocław

IBM has announced its intention to open an Integrated Delivery Center in Wrocław. The company signed an agreement on cooperation on the project with the Polish government last Wednesday.

The center, which received aid to the tune of zł.34 million from the government’s Innovative Economy program and zł.85 million from EU funds, is to employ 2,000 people and will open in spring 2010. It will provide outsourcing services.
“Our decision reflects IBM’s strategy of developing and investing in markets with the highest level of growth,” Anna Sieńko, director of Global Technology Services at IBM, told a press conference. She stressed that Wrocław was chosen predominantly due to its numerous colleges and the abundance of highly qualified graduates with knowledge of foreign languages. Deputy Economy Minister Rafał Baniak warmly welcomed the investment. “After IBM’s decision, Poland has become a leader in attracting BPO in the region,” he said, adding that negotiations were not easy, but worth it.

Sławomir Majman, president of the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency, which signed a letter of intent with the company, called IBM’s decision “a sign of trust” in the Polish economy.

Martyna Olik

Wybrane dla Ciebie

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