WSE: Communique - MIRACULUM


19.04. Warszawa (PAP/GPW)
- Communique - MIRACULUM

Communique of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board of 18 April 2013 (CATALYST)

The Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board, in accordance with § 77 of Appendix no. 2 to the Alternative Trading System Rules, hereby announces that on 23 April 2013 will be held the last trading session for X-series bearer bonds issued by MIRACULUM SA (MIR0513) with maturity date of 7 May 2013, of nominal value PLN 1,000 (one thousand) each, coded by the National Depository for Securities as 'PLKLSTN00033'.

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Źródło artykułu:PAP
catalystmiraculum sagpw

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