Warszawa, Dec. 19: Resolution - PLATINUM PROPERTIES GROUP SA
Resolution No. 1524/2011 of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board dated 16 December 2011 concerning the introduction to alternative trading system on Catalyst of series A and B bearer bonds issued by the company PLATINUM PROPERTIES GROUP S.A.
§ 1 Pursuant to § 5.1 in connection with § 3.1, 3.2 and 3.4.2 of the Alternative Trading System Rules, the WSE Management Board resolves to introduce to alternative trading system on Catalyst the following bearer bonds issued by the company PLATINUM PROPERTIES GROUP S.A.: 1) 2,000 bearer bonds series A a par value PLN 1.000 each, 2) 3,110 bearer bonds series B a par value PLN 1.000 each. § 2 This Resolution shall take effect on the date of adoption.
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