GPW: Communique - PGE


Warszawa, October 28: GPW: Communique - PGE

Communique of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board dated 28 October 2009 concerning the classification of the shares of the company PGE to exchange indices (WSE Main List)

The Warsaw Stock Exchange informs that pursuant to Resolution 42/2007 of the WSE Management Board dated 16 January 2007 as amended the following procedure is adopted for potential classification of the shares of the company PGE to the list of the WIG20 index participants:

  1. after the exchange session on 30 October 2009, a ranking of the indices WIG20, mWIG40 and sWIG80 shall be prepared as the basis for the calculation of the parameters of entry of PGE to the WIG20 index and the identification of the company to be replaced by PGE if PGE is introduced to the WIG20 index;
  1. after the exchange session on the first day of listing of the allotment certificates of the company PGE, the closing price of the allotment certificates of the company used as the basis for the determination of its market parameters shall be analysed in relation to the parameters of the ranking referred to in point 1 above. If PGE is classified to the WIG20 index on the basis of this operation, this shall conclude the internal procedure of classification to the index combined with the identification of the company to leave the WIG20 index;
  1. if the operation referred to in point 2 does not conclude the internal classification procedure, then an operation identical to that referred to in point 2 above shall be carried out after the first exchange session where the new issue shares of PGE (originating from the transformation of the allotment certificates) are listed.

In either case, whether the internal classification procedure is concluded pursuant to point 2 above or the procedure is concluded pursuant to point 3, the entry of the company PGE to the WIG20 index will be effective upon the start of trading in the new issue shares originating from the transformation of the allotment certificates. The Warsaw Stock Exchange will publish the date of the potential introduction of PGE to the WIG20 index and the company to leave the index in a separate communiqu, at least two days in advance of the implementation of the operations.

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